And talking of sleepiness, i entirely agree with you that no one in his sense, if he has any power of ordering his own day, would reserve his chief prayer for bed-time - obvious the worts possible hour for any action wich needs concentration.
´But why dont you turn into a church?´Partly because, for nine months of theyear, it will be freezingly cold but also bacause i have bad luck with churches. No sooner do i enter one and compose my mind than one or two things happens. Either someone starts paticing the organ, Or else, with resolute tread, there appears from nowhere a pious woman in elastic-side boots, carrying mop, bucket, and dust-pan, and begins beating hassocks and rolling up carpets and doing things to flower vases. Of course (blessing on her) ´work is prayer, and her enacted oratio is probably worth ten times my spoken one. But it doesn´t help mine to become worth more.
The relevant point is taht kneeling does matter, but other things matter even more.
(since the osteoporosis i can hardly kneel at all in most places, myself.)
Letter to Malcolm (chapter III)
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