quinta-feira, novembro 25, 2004


Encontrei algumas citações ou episódios atribuídos a Churchill. Gostei do sentido de humor, mas também do sentido de honra, dever e sacrifício.

Aqui ficam alguns.
Lady Astor: "Winston, if I were your wife I'd put poison in your coffee."
Winston: "Nancy, if I were your husband I'd drink it."

The new Minister of Fuel and Power, Hugh Gaitskell, later Attlee's successor as leader of the Labour Party, had advocated saving energy by taking fewer baths: "Personally, I have never had a great many baths myself, and I can assure those who are in the habit of having a great many that it does not make a great difference to their health if they have less." Churchill, a renowned bather, responded: "When Ministers of the Crown speak like this on behalf of HM Government, the Prime Minister and his friends have no need to wonder why they are getting increasingly into bad odour. I have even asked myself, when meditating upon these points, whether you, Mr. Speaker, would admit the word 'lousy' as a Parliamentary expression in referring to the Administration, provided, of course, it was not intended in a contemptuous sense but purely as one of factual narration."

"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Uma das mais conhecidas:
"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Um site para quem se interesse:

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